Thursday, October 25, 2012

Marketplace of Ideas

Journalism is responsible for spreading the news, and keeping the public informed. Because there is always more than one side to a story, and because the truth is so variable, journalism is responsible for presenting all possible ideas and letting people make their own informed decisions.

I think that all people ought to be aware of what is happening in the world, and journalism encourages this. Even if something happens far away, I think it affects all of us, because we all share the human experience. I think it's important to realize that things that happen to others can have an impact on all of us, and journalism has an obligation to present those stories. I think every aspect of journalism relates to this obligation, from feature stories to investigative reporting to breaking news.

Journalism should also create a marketplace of ideas so that everyone has access to the same information, which would create better social equality. This responsibility is being threatened by a phenomenon called the Digital Divide, which is discussed in this article.

Nothing about the world is perfect, and everything can be improved. Journalism needs to focused on presenting a variety of ideas so that we can consider all the options available to improve our own lives and the world. Without a marketplace of ideas, we would all be sheep, living our lives according to someone else's ideas. Journalism provides information, which is essential to a free and productive society.

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